Friday, 28 December 2012

The design of intelligent robot based on embedded system

WWW.NANOCDAC.COM, 09640648777, 09652926926
  1. The Design and Implementation of tablet pc using android in ARM9
  2. The applications of Wi-Fi-based Wireless Sensor Network in Internet of Things and Smart Grid.
  3. An application of VoIP communication on embedded system in mini2440
  4. An Implementation embedded system of Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting Objects for Traffic Surveillance System
  5. Design of embedded media player based on S3C2440 and SDL_FFMPEG
  6. Real Time SMS-Based hashing scheme for securing financial transactions on ATM systems
  7. Design and implementation of Mouse simulation using gestures on a virtual screen
  8. A paperless FAX Machine using arm9-IEEE 2009
  9. Design of embedded system for Automated Road Surveillance System for Speed Violation Detection
  10. Development of embedded web server on ARM9-IEEE 2009
  11. Research and implementation of embedded face recognition system based on ARM9-IEEE 2011.
  12. Development of embedded Ethernet drivers for ARM9-IEEE 2009
  13. Color recognition embedded system with augmented reality concept and finger interaction.
  14. Design and Development of Embedded Multimedia Terminal.
  15. A low-power, low-cost automotive touch screen with real controls
  16. A Smart Home Security System based on 3G-IEEE  2010
  17. The Research of Qt_Embedded and Embedded Linux Application in the Intelligent Monitoring System Control-IEEE 2011
  18. Research and development of communication between PC and mobile base on embedded system and GPRS.
  19. Customization & Compilation of embedded boot loader (U-BOOT) for ARM9-IEEE 2009
  20. The Protection of Water Resources Environmental Based on Embedded Linux System.
  21. Design and development Embedded Motion Detection system in military applications in Mini2440
  22. A Network Video Device Based on Specific Target Tracking-IEEE 2011
  23. Design and implementation of Evidence Collecting System from Car Black Boxes.
  24. Design and Implementation of the Lab Remote Monitoring System Based on Embedded web technology-IEEE 2010
  25. Design of Embedded Detection  of Sudden Pedestrian Crossings for Driving Assistance systems
  26. Design and implementation of virtual keypad in arm9
  27. Design of automatic embedded vision of QR code recognition system.
  28. Real time car theft decline system using ARM processor
  29. Developing voice control system for zigbee based home automation networks.
  30. Design and implementation of Drivers drowsiness detection in embedded system
  31. The development of the short messaging service (SMS) application for the school usage-IEEE 2010
  32. Design of embedded Automatic detection of human faces in uncontrolled environments: Identification of direction and movement
  33. The design of door phone and control system for home secure applications-IEEE 2011
  34. Design and development of Pen drive to Pen drive data transfer using arm9
  35. Design of Automatic embedded vision authorized Vehicle recognition system
  36. A Voice-Driven Scene-Mode Recommendation Service for portable Digital Imaging Devices-IEEE 2010
  37. A Reliable Transmission Protocol for ZigBee-Based Wireless Patient Monitoring
  38. Designation and Realization of Ship Navigation System Embedded Platform Based on ARM-IEEE 2011
  39. Developing a smart camera for gesture recognition in HCI applications.
  40. The ECG Tele-Monitor Based on Embedded Web Server.
  41. A Low Cost Implementation of GPS Guided Driverless Cars.
  42. The design of granary environmental monitoring system based on ARM9 and GSM-IEEE 2011
  43. License Plate Location for Vehicles Passing through a Gate
  44. A highly area efficient controller for capacitive touch screen panel systems-IEEE 2010.
  45. Design of on-line Interactive Data Acquisition and Control System for embedded real time applications.
  46. Application of GPRS technology in water quality monitoring system
  47. Design of embedded Real time car parking system using image processing
  48. The research on Zigbee-based mine safety monitoring system-IEEE 2011
  49. The Electrical Ethernet monitoring system based on embedded Web server.

  1. The study on design speech-control power point presentation tool-IEEE 2011.
  2. Stride time estimation: Real-time peak detection implemented on an 8-bit, portable microcontroller.
  3. Wireless Access Monitoring and Control System based on Digital Door Lock.
  4. Solar power wireless monitoring system based on ARM7
  5. PIR based Motion Detection Monitoring with Alert using GSM/GPRS Technology.
  6. Sensor Network Based Oil well Health Monitoring and Intelligent Control
  7. GPS Vehicle Theft Identification and Tracking and Control system.
  8. PC Based Weight Scale System with Load Cell for Product Inspection.
  9. Wireless Black Box Using MEMS Accelerometer and GPS Tracking for accidental Monitoring of vehicles.
  10. Research on method for real-time monitoring dynamic vehicle loading based on multi-sensors
  11. Route planning and user interface for an advanced intelligent transport system.
  12. MEMS Accelerometer Based Nonspecific-User Hand gesture Recognition.
  13. Missile detection and automatic destroy.
  14. Application of environmental Management on energy saving and Green house Gas Reduction.
  15. The implementation of serial communication embedded technology in the vehicle alcohol lock
  16. Ultrasonic spectacles and waist-belt for visually impaired blind person-IEEE 2012
  17. An Accelerometer-Based Digital Pen with a Trajectory Recognition Algorithm for Hand written Digit and Gesture Recognition.
  18. Development of Multi-functional Sensor Module for Energy Saving Air Conditioner System.
  19. Field variable Monitoring in Real Time (GPS, soil moisture, Temperature) with precision Farming Applications.
  20. Design and technology for 3D MEMS device for vibration energy harvesting.
  21. An extensible embedded terminal platform for wireless tele-monitoring
  22. Research of intelligent greenhouse remote monitor system based on embedded network and wireless transmission technology
  23. The Research of the ZigBee and RFID Fusion Technology in the Coal Mine Safety
  24. The design and implementation of intelligent campus security tracking system based on RFID and ZigBee.
  25. The Electronic Passport and the Future of Government Issued RFID based Identification-IEEE 2009.
  26. RFID and ZigBee based manufacturing monitoring system
  27. RFID technology and Zigbee networking in improving supply chain traceability
  28. Smart digital door lock for the home automation
  29. Supermarket shopping guide system based on Internet of things
  30. A sensor network based on RFID inventory for retail application
  31. Info Pods: Zigbee-Based Remote Information Monitoring Devices for Smart-Homes-IEEE 2010.
  32. More efficient home energy management system based on ZigBee communication and infrared remote controls-IEEE 2011.
  33. RFID based ration card.
  34. Application and Evaluation of High Power Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network in Water Irrigation Control Monitoring System-IEEE 2010
  35. Design of Monitoring System for Coal Mine Safety Based on Wireless Sensor Network.
  36. Research on power quality monitoring system of oil field based on ARM
  37. Implementation of ZigBee-GSM based home security monitoring and remote control system
  38. ZigBee-GSM based Automatic Meter Reading system.
  39. Over Speed Identification with Zigbee and RFID.
  40. Design of monitor-and-control system for Supermarket fresh area based on ZigBee
  41. Remote Controlling and Monitoring System to Control Electric Circuitry through SMS using a Microcontroller.
  42. Design and implementation of real time vehicle tracking system-IEEE 2009.
  43. GPS-GSM Integration for Enhancing Public Transportation Management Services-IEEE 2009.
  44. Time attendance system with multi station and wireless communications.

Biomedical Projects:
  1. Body Temperature and Electrocardiogram Monitoring Using an SMS-Based Telemedicine System
  2. Non-Invasive Continuous BP Measurement
  3. Design and development of BIOFEEDBACK.
  4. Design and development of DC Defibrillation Calibration Unit.
  5. Design and development of Micro Controller Based Drug Dispenser.
  6. Design and development of Micro Controller Based Holter Monitor.
  7. Design and development of Nerve and Muscle Stimulator.
  8. Design and development of Pace Maker Demonstration Unit.
  9. Design and development of R-Wave Detection & BPM Measurement.
  10. Portable Micro Controller System for Tremor Analysis.
  11. Fall detection By Built-In Tri-Accelerometer of Smartphone.

  1. Visual detection of objects in a robotic work area using hand gestures.
  2. Design and implementation of low cost intelligent wheelchair.
  3. An embedded vision system for robotic fish navigation.
  4. Color-Based Target Localization Method and Its Implementation on Embedded Auto-Mobile Robot System.
  5. Design of embedded Traffic sign detection and recognition for intelligent vehicle
  6. Embedded control system design for coal mine detect and rescue Robot-IEEE 2011.
  7. Design and development of weather monitoring FLYING Machine.
  8. Implementation of Obstacle Avoidance and Zigbee Control Functions for Omni Directional mobile Robot-IEEE 2009
  9. Design and development of GSM Controlling Robot by SMS.
  10. Development of Robot Movement Controlled By Object.
  11. The design of intelligent robot based on embedded system
  12. Robot Navigation System with RFID and Sensors
  13. Development of robotic sewerage blockage detector controlled by embedded systems.
  14. A Low Cost Microcontroller Implementation of Neural Network Based Hurdle Avoidance Controller for a Car.
  15. Development of Human Tracking Robot.

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